Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What do you really think about...? Journal Blog 2/27/08

What do you really think about...?

These two options are very different from each other. Choose ONE that you would like to read; after you read it (quickly) write your journal blog. You can write pessimistic and optimistic opinions. Try to use the gerunds & infinitives you studied in your writing.

Please DO NOT take the whole classtime. Also, DO NOT complete your journal another day; it must be completed today.

ABC to Offer Shows Via Video-On-Demand
"ABC said Monday it will release hit shows like "Lost" and "Desperate Housewives" for free over video-on-demand cable services, with the hitch that viewers will have to sit through commercials without being able to fast-forward."

Pakistan Causes Worldwide YouTube Outage
"Most of the world's Internet users lost access to YouTube for several hours Sunday after an attempt by Pakistan's government to block access domestically affected other countries."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What about LOVE?

What do you think about love? First: Write a journal entry about Who is Your Perfect Love? What kind of person would s/he be? What do you value in your relationships? What are "deal breakers"? "Deal Breakers" are those items that would cause you to break up with your boy/girlfriend. For example, if a guy ever hit me---our relationship would be over immediately.
Valentine's Day is tomorrow, Thursday, February 14th every year. What is Valentine's Day about? Second: Read the first article that gives you the history; most people don't think about the history. Look at the second article to review lots & LOTS of vocabulary surrounding love. The third link takes you to a joke page. These are typical American jokes, but you might not "get" all of them. Let's talk and help each other to understand these.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Mrs. Azimi

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thank you all for your interesting comments on the last article! I found it very refreshing to read some of your journals that gave me the feeling that you were standing right in front of me telling me this. Very nice job!

If I found your journal not adequate or not following directions, I sent you an email stating how they need to be upgraded. If you did not receive an email from me, you may assume that you got your +10 journal assignment points.

For your Journal Blog today, read the Daily Titan article I linked onto my Blog. After you read it, respond in writing to me just as you did last week.

2nd: You should then choose 1 other student's comments regarding the Success! article, read that comment, then write your own response to their comment. Post it.

3rd: Now, please create your own Blog under your name. You can click on the Help Screen to create your blog with pictures, music, etc. Have fun with it! It should be finished by Monday.

Mrs. Azimi